29 Temmuz 2011 Cuma

Summertime Haired Mydia

Process can be seen here;

27 Temmuz 2011 Çarşamba

I play Guitar Hero: World Tour between work

This is how I look like in game. Now let’s have a look at the real one who's actually playing the game…

Yeah just like that…

25 Temmuz 2011 Pazartesi


Allright, that's it. Why in the bloody hell I can't draw when I want to? I've been trying to draw something, at least a sketch but I could do nothing. That's not funny. I am not amused.

And why I could actually draw this in the first place?

İki gündür çizim yapıcam diye başıma ağrılar girdi. Yeter. Hiç komik değil. Neden ya? NEDEN?! Ve niye bunu yapabildim ben? Şaka mısın? Ha? Grr...

18 Temmuz 2011 Pazartesi

What a summer!

It’s too hot! All I want to do is hug my cool pillow and sleep all the day until it’s night with a reasonable weather. SUMMER YOU’RE DRUNK!

Bu nasıl hava?! Sıcaktan hiçbir şey yapamıyorum resmen. Tek istediğim serin yastığıma sarılıp gece olana, hava serinleyene kadar uyumak.

12 Temmuz 2011 Salı

Updateing sketches!

Some pages from my new moleskine sketchbook.